Preparing for Q4 by Zach Steele

Kickoff Meetings

Preparing for Q4 can be a stressful time! We start to prepare for fall open enrollments in July and August with Kickoff Meetings that include the client, the broker and the Steele team. During Kickoff Meetings everyone works together to gain a clear understanding of what client goals and expectations are for the upcoming enrollment. Establishing preferred open enrollment dates is usually the first step in planning. Once OE dates are confirmed then we start to get into the details of open enrollment:

  • What, if any, changes are happening this year?
  • Are any new products being offered?
  • What specific goals do you have for this year’s OE?
  • How would you like Steele to support your employees during open enrollment?
  • Do you expect any rate changes?

Setting Timelines and Milestones

It’s important that everyone who plays a role in delivering a high-quality enrollment experience is clear on timelines and milestones for a successful open enrollment. If everyone is rowing in the same direction we have a much higher chance for success! As part of Steele’s commitment to that, we utilize an Enrollment Plan that summarizes the details discussed during the Kickoff Meeting. This document is shared with the client and broker after the Kickoff Meeting. The Enrollment Plan is broken into three distinct phases: Pre-Enrollment, Enrollment and Post-Enrollment. Key milestones keep everyone on track to meet the open enrollment dates requested by the client. The Pre-Enrollment phase is paramount in preparing for Q4! This phase includes gathering data and discussing how the client would like the platform to be set up for open enrollment. Any customization requested by the client is taken back to the Steele build team for approval. Once updates and customizations have been made to the client’s case we go through rigorous testing internally and then with the client. This ensures the platform looks and functions exactly how the client wants it to.

Open Enrollment Communication

We’ve all heard it: Communication is key! An enrollment strategy is only as effective as the communication strategy that is paired with it to inform and educate employees. Major changes to benefit plans don’t happen every year during open enrollment. However, employee needs can change from year to year and that means communicating what is offered and educating employees on the benefits of the plans they are eligible for. Some clients utilize the Engage module within the platform to communicate with employees leading up to and during open enrollment. Engage messages can be text and/or emails to inform employees of OE dates, new product offerings, links to sign-up for a counselor appointment, etc. These communications can be sent to a very targeted audience with messaging specific to them.

Q4 is a busy time of year! In partnering with Steele, we believe we can make that peak season more manageable.



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