Event Sponsor:
8:00 – 9:00 EST Arrival and Check-in
Light breakfast and coffee are provided by:
9:00 – 9:15: Welcome and Introductions
9:15 – 9:50: Keynote Speaker
Selerix product updates with VP of Product Management, Ruthie Gray
9:50 – 10:05: Break
10:05 – 10:40: Steele Updates
Wes Steele will provide updates about the benefits administration landscape and Steele’s current and future positioning as a valued service provider
10:40 – 11:00: Engage Updates
11:15 – 12:00: Breakout Session 1
Group A: Steele Jeopardy
Group B: Roundtable
Group C: BenSelect Reporting- Do you have a laptop that can access public wi-fi that you can bring? You’ll be utilizing your benefits admin platform during our breakout session.
12:00 – 1:00: Lunch
Provided by:
1:00 – 1:30: Optimizing your Steele Enrollment Site
1:45 – 2:30: Breakout Session 2
Group A: BenSelect Reporting- Do you have a laptop that can access public wi-fi that you can bring? You’ll be utilizing your benefits admin platform during our breakout session
Group B: Steele Jeopardy
Group C: Round Table
2:30 – 2:45: Break
2:45 – 3:30: Breakout Session 3
Group A: Roundtable
Group B: BenSelect Reporting- Do you have a laptop that can access public wi-fi that you can bring? You’ll be utilizing your benefits admin platform during our breakout session
Group C: Steele Jeopardy
3:30 – 3:45 Closing Comments and Door Prize Drawings
3:45: Explore NCAA Hall of Champions
Presented by: