Engagement Templates

These templates automate communications to employees. A subscription to SteeleEngage is required.  Not a subscriber yet?  Click ‘request a quote’ below and we will send you a cost estimate.

Engagement Templates

Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment Call To Action (Campaign)

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD: Open Enrollment Call to Action 
Format: Campaign

This campaign includes six potential messages to promote your upcoming open enrollment.  The titles are: 1) Dates are set, 2) OE Starts next week, 3) OE Starts today, 4) Last week to enroll, and 5) Enrollment is almost over, and 6) Last chance to enroll.

1.  Click DOWNLOAD to save this campaign
2. Save this campaign to your computer
3. Open ‘Selerix Engage’ HR site
4. Click ‘Campaigns’
5. Click ‘Import’ and Click ‘Browse’, then select the campaign you downloaded to your computer
6. Click ‘OK’
7. Update the receiving audience and distribution dates
8. Review each message and modify it according to your preferences
9. Enable your campaign

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Open Enrollment Has Begun (Single Message)

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD: Open Enrollment Has Begun
Format: Message

This message includes the text “Open enrollment has officially begun.  Be sure to complete enrollment before the deadline!”

1.  Click DOWNLOAD to save this message
2. Save this message to your computer
3. Open ‘Selerix Engage’ HR site
4. Click ‘Messages’
5. Click ‘Import’ and Click ‘Browse’, then select the message you downloaded to your computer
6. Click ‘OK’
7. Update the receiving audience and distribution dates
8. Review each message and modify it according to your preferences
9. Enable your message

• • • • •

Open Enrollment: How Did We Do? (Survey)

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD: Open Enrollment: How Did We Do?
Format: Survey

This survey can be set to go to employees after enrollment concludes.  It includes four questions, which are about 1) Open Enrollment communication, 2) Open Enrollment ease, 3) Breadth of benefits offering, and 4) Benefits Satisfaction.

1.  Click DOWNLOAD to save this survey
2. Save this survey to your computer
3. Open ‘Selerix Engage’ HR site
4. Click ‘Surveys’
5. Click ‘Import’ and Click ‘Browse’, then select the campaign you downloaded to your computer
6. Click ‘OK’
7. Update the receiving audience and distribution dates
8. Review each question and modify it according to your preferences
9. Enable your survey

Benefit Education

Financial Security Through Voluntary Benefits (Campaign)

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD: Financial Security Through Voluntary Benefits
Format: Campaign

This campaign includes four potential messages to promote your voluntary benefits.  The titles are: 1) Supplement Medical Plan, 2) Wellness Benefits, 3) Supplement Disability, and 4) One chance per year.

1.  Click DOWNLOAD to save this campaign
2. Save this campaign to your computer
3. Open ‘Selerix Engage’ HR site
4. Click ‘Campaigns’
5. Click ‘Import’ and Click ‘Browse’, then select the campaign you downloaded to your computer
6. Click ‘OK’
7. Update the receiving audience and distribution dates
8. Review each message and modify it according to your preferences
9. Enable your campaign

• • • • •

Flexible Spending Use-Or-Lose It (Single Message)

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD: Flexible Spending Use-It-or-Lose-It
Format: Message

This message is intended to be sent to FSA participants and the message says “Don’t forget – flexible spending account contributions are used or lose it. Incur your reimbursable expenses before the end of the plan year to maximize your savings!”

1. Click DOWNLOAD to save this message
2. Save this message to your computer
3. Open ‘Selerix Engage’ HR site
4. Click ‘Messages’
5. Click ‘Import’ and Click ‘Browse’, then select the message you downloaded to your computer
6. Click ‘OK’
7. Update the receiving audience and distribution dates
8. Review each message and modify it according to your preferences
9. Enable your message

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Worksite Products: Why Participate? (Campaign)

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD: Worksite Products: Why Participate?
Format: Campaign

This campaign includes four potential messages to promote your worksite benefits.  The titles are: 1) Why Critical Illness, 2) Why Accident, 3) Why Hospital, and 4) Why Short-term DI

1.  Click DOWNLOAD to save this campaign
2. Save this campaign to your computer
3. Open ‘Selerix Engage’ HR site
4. Click ‘Campaigns’
5. Click ‘Import’ and Click ‘Browse’, then select the campaign you downloaded to your computer
6. Click ‘OK’
7. Update the receiving audience and distribution dates
8. Review each message and modify it according to your preferences
9. Enable your campaign

• • • • •

HSA Information (Campaign)

Format: Message

This campaign includes four potential messages to promote your HSA.  The titles are 1) What is HSA, 2) HSA eligible expense list, 3) HSA FAQ’s, and 4) How well do you know HSA (quiz)

1.  Click DOWNLOAD to save this campaign
2. Save this campaign to your computer
3. Open ‘Selerix Engage’ HR site
4. Click ‘Campaigns’
5. Click ‘Import’ and Click ‘Browse’, then select the campaign you downloaded to your computer
6. Click ‘OK’
7. Update the receiving audience and distribution dates
8. Review each message and modify it according to your preferences
9. Enable your campaign

Events Based

Welcome To The Company (Campaign)

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD: Welcome to our Team!
Format: Event Campaign

This campaign triggers every day and sends messages to your company’s new hires.  There are three messages, and they are titled 1) welcome to the company, 2) invitation to enroll in benefits, 3) congratulations on completing your first month.

1.  Click DOWNLOAD to save this campaign
2. Save this campaign to your computer
3. Open ‘Selerix Engage’ HR site
4. Click ‘Campaigns’
5. Click ‘Import’ and Click ‘Browse’, then select the campaign you downloaded to your computer
6. Click ‘OK’
7. Update the receiving audience and distribution dates
8. Review each message and modify it according to your preferences
9. Enable your campaign

• • • • •

Thank You For Completing Enrollment (Message)

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD: Thank You for Completing Enrollment Message
Format: Event Message

This message triggers daily when an employee completes enrollment: it sends a message thanking the employee for completing enrollment.  The message reads “Hi [EMPLOYEE_FIRST_NAME], your benefits enrollment at [EMPLOYER_NAME] is now complete. You’re welcome to change or update your selections until our enrollment deadline.”

1. Click DOWNLOAD to save this message
2. Save this message to your computer
3. Open ‘Selerix Engage’ HR site
4. Click ‘Messages’
5. Click ‘Import’ and Click ‘Browse’, then select the message you downloaded to your computer
6. Click ‘OK’
7. Update the receiving audience and distribution dates
8. Review each message and modify it according to your preferences
9. Enable your message

• • • • •

Your Benefit Eligibility Has Changed! (Message)

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD: Your Benefit Eligibility Has Changed!
Format: Event Message

This message standardly triggers daily when an employee changes job classes: it sends a message inviting an employee to review their selections.  The message reads “Hi [EMPLOYEE_FIRST_NAME], your benefit eligibility may have recently changed.  Please login at {path} and review your selections. Your PIN is a 6 digit number: last 4 of SSN + 2 digit birth year.  The ability to update your benefits is time-sensitive.

1. Click DOWNLOAD to save this message
2. Save this message to your computer
3. Open ‘Selerix Engage’ HR site
4. Click ‘Messages’
5. Click ‘Import’ and Click ‘Browse’, then select the message you downloaded to your computer
6. Click ‘OK’
7. Update the receiving audience and distribution dates
8. Review each message and modify it according to your preferences
9. Enable your message

• • • • •

Congratulations On The New Addition! (Message)

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD: Congratulations on the New Addition!
Format: Event Message

This message standardly triggers daily when an employee or employer uses the ‘I have a new child’ life event: it sends a message inviting an employee to review their selections. The message reads “Hi [EMPLOYEE_FIRST_NAME], congrats on the new addition to your family! Your benefit eligibility may have recently changed. Please login at {path} and review your selections. Your PIN is a 6 digit number: last 4 of SSN + 2 digit birth year. The ability to update your benefits is time-sensitive.

1. Click DOWNLOAD to save this message
2. Save this message to your computer
3. Open ‘Selerix Engage’ HR site
4. Click ‘Messages’
5. Click ‘Import’ and Click ‘Browse’, then select the message you downloaded to your computer
6. Click ‘OK’
7. Update the receiving audience and distribution dates
8. Review each message and modify it according to your preferences
9. Enable your message

• • • • •

Congratulations On Your Recent Marriage! (Message)

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD: Congratulations on your Recent Marriage!
Format: Event Message

This message standardly triggers daily when an employee or employer uses the ‘I recently got married’ life event: it sends a message inviting an employee to review their selections. The message reads “Hi [EMPLOYEE_FIRST_NAME], congrats on your recent marriage! Your benefit eligibility may have recently changed. Please login at {path} and review your selections. Your PIN is a 6 digit number: last 4 of SSN + 2 digit birth year. The ability to update your benefits is time-sensitive.

1. Click DOWNLOAD to save this message
2. Save this message to your computer
3. Open ‘Selerix Engage’ HR site
4. Click ‘Messages’
5. Click ‘Import’ and Click ‘Browse’, then select the message you downloaded to your computer
6. Click ‘OK’
7. Update the receiving audience and distribution dates
8. Review each message and modify it according to your preferences
9. Enable your message

• • • • •

Employee Recently Divorced (Message)

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD: Employee Recently Divorced- Invitation to review benefits
Format: Event Message

This message standardly triggers daily when an employee or employer uses the ‘I divorced my spouse’ life event: it sends a message inviting an employee to review their selections. The message reads “Hi [EMPLOYEE_FIRST_NAME], Your family status and benefits eligibility may have recently changed. Please log in at {path} and review your benefit selections. Your PIN is a 6 digit number: last 4 of SSN + 2 digit birth year. The ability to update your benefits is time-sensitive.

1. Click DOWNLOAD to save this message
2. Save this message to your computer
3. Open ‘Selerix Engage’ HR site
4. Click ‘Messages’
5. Click ‘Import’ and Click ‘Browse’, then select the message you downloaded to your computer
6. Click ‘OK’
7. Update the receiving audience and distribution dates
8. Review each message and modify it according to your preferences
9. Enable your message

• • • • •

Dependent Age Limit Reached (Message)

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD: Dependent Age Limit Reached
Format: Event Message

This message standardly triggers daily when an employer uses the ‘one of my dependents has reached his or her age limit for benefits’ life event: it sends a message inviting an employee to review their selections. The message reads “Hi [EMPLOYEE_FIRST_NAME], Your family status and benefits eligibility may have recently changed due to a dependent reaching plan age limits. Please log in at {path} and review your benefit selections. Your PIN is a 6 digit number: last 4 of SSN + 2 digit birth year. The ability to update your benefits is time-sensitive.

1. Click DOWNLOAD to save this message
2. Save this message to your computer
3. Open ‘Selerix Engage’ HR site
4. Click ‘Messages’
5. Click ‘Import’ and Click ‘Browse’, then select the message you downloaded to your computer
6. Click ‘OK’
7. Update the receiving audience and distribution dates
8. Review each message and modify it according to your preferences
9. Enable your message

First Text Communication

Format: Message

This message can be sent via text to employees to give them the chance to opt-out of text communication

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